Dice club manga
Dice club manga

dice club manga

Still, his attitude towards bullies themselves is of savage contempt: when challenged by Dongtae's tormentors to a fight, Taebin scores an easy victory, but doesn't stop at beating them up: he takes pleasure in kicking them while on the ground and breaks the arm of one, to the point that Dongtae himself is shocked and appeals to Taebin to show some restraint. Interestingly, he doesn't show any sympathy towards victims of bullying, and is shown looking on with a bored expression while the class bullies pick on Byungchul. Partial exceptions seem to be Dongtae and Eunjoo. In turn, while he relishes the warmness he receives from others, and feels comfortable being the alpha male around, he doesn't extend intimacy or true friendship to anyone. Having been an official classroom loser like Dongtae, he perceives the attention he receives from everyone as shallow and hypocritical, and seems to believe everyone is only interested in him for his looks. However, as the story progresses, the reader learns that Taebin most likely has little interest in or even despises most people.

dice club manga

Outwardly, Taebin is kind and easy-going, and commands great charisma that, combined with his physical attributes and skills, makes him extremely popular. His hair is light brown and his eyes are large and hazel-colored. On the bookcover, Sigmund Freud.Īfter becoming a Dicer, over the course of a little more than one year he has changed beyond recognition, and is now one of the tallest characters, with a lean, athletic build and extremely handsome looks. Taebin before adding points to appearance. Initially, Taebin was a short, plump youngster with longish hair covering his forehead in a fringe and plain looks who carried a tense and scared expression.

Dice club manga